
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Great Sales Day!

I have listed about 40 items from a consignor on eBay and they are selling like the proverbial hotcakes. They are all brand names that are very popular which probably explains it. Also sold one of my hand-dyed scarves today.

Someone found my shop on etsy and contacted me about participating in a craft fair on March 3. I have never done one, so I think I will try it. I only have my scarves and my greeting cards, but we'll see what happens. Have to sell some just to pay for the booth.

More later -

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Owl Photo

New Scarves Listed on Etsy

I have made some new scarves that I have listed on my etsy shop. One of them is my favorite of all the ones I have made so far. It's a cut devore satin scarf in a lovely peach color. I am afraid the photographs just don't do it justice. The others are a peach satin scarf, and two raspberry ones. See what you think.

Tonight I was lucky enough to get a really great shot of the great horned owl that lives across the street in a huge eucalyptus tree. We have been going out every night to see if we can spot him and tonight he was on a branch with only the sky behind him and I got a shot. I will post it tomorrow.

That's all for today.