Had a conversation yesterday with an old man who has lived here for 50 years. He told of working with a well driller back a few years who was a genius at finding water. He was so good, in fact, that they would arrive at a site in the morning, he would decide where to drill, they would set up the rig, and have water by lunchtime. A quick bite, a pee, maybe a smoke and then off to drill another well before dark.
The old man said he had thought long and hard about God in his life, and had learned working with the driller that Water is the Face of God. Nothing lives without water, Water is the trinity: vapor, liquid, solid. We are composed of Water and a few other chemicals, everything you see outside your window contains Water. He said he goes to church for the music and the food sometimes, but when he wants to feel the presence of God, he goes for a walk.