
Monday, May 06, 2013

Another Interesting Phenomenon

In the previous post I talked about using calsolene oil.  Now here is another curious thing.  I have made several pieces using Terra Cotta dye and they have always turned out fine.  I recently dyed some gauze with the Terra Cotta using one and a half teaspoons of calsolene oil.  Here is a photograph of how it turned out.  Not Terra Cotta by any means. 

Now here's a photograph of one I made this week without any additives at all - no calsolene.

Is there a chemist out there who can tell me what properties calsolene oil has and why it seemed to eliminate the orange component of Terra Cotta?  The first one is a nice enough color, but it can't be advertised as Terra Cotta nor can it be sold to a customer who requests that color.

The more I work with silk and dye the more fascinated I become with the chemistry.

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